Via Erculiani, 192 - Montichiari BS 800 172 553
Bio Beton®500 ‘Venezia’ is a natural and highly breathable thermal plaster composed solely of thin Hemp Shiv, Natural Dolomitic Binder and Symbiotic Microorganisms. The total absence of hydraulic binders and mineral aggregates in addition to the high cellulose component maximises the breathability of the masonry and makes Natural Beton 500 ‘Venezia’ the ideal solution for restoring masonry even in presence of rising damp and efflorescence of salts. With high energy efficiency, it is an excellent humidity regulator on new and existing walls, guarantees maximum healthiness and significantly improves the comfort of the living spaces.
Ready-to-use product to be applied manually. Before application, remove the existing damaged plaster and make sure that the substrate is free of friable parts. Apply a first coat of Bio Beton 500 ‘Venezia’ as a rough coat on the masonry and then apply several coats to reach the desired thickness, smooth and trowel. Bio Beton 500 ‘Venezia’ can be finished by leaving the thin hemp shiv exposed (material finish) or coated with ‘Natural Breathable setting coat’ or a skim coat of lime and sand.
Our technical office is available for any support before, during and after the construction phase.
Technical data sheet – Bio Beton®500 Venezia
SENINI – Via Erculiani 192
25018 Novagli di Montichiari – BS
TEL • 800 172 553
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