Natural Breathable Skim Coat SNT+

‘Stabilitura Naturale Traspirante plus’ is a mineral coating based on natural hydraulic lime, designed for the protection, recovery and restoration of smooth finishes and natural dehumidifying systems. It has a specific formula that makes it highly permeable to water vapour and adequate to obtain natural finishes with a sponged setting coat. Due to its properties and natural colouring it is particularly suitable for use on historical and artistic buildings as well as for green building.
Mix a 25 kg bag of SNT+ in approximately 7.0-8.0 liters of clean water and mix with a low-speed mixer drill until a homogeneous and lump-free mixture is obtained. Let the dough rest for about 3 minutes and stir briefly before use. The mixture thus obtained can be used within 90 minutes of its mixing. The product can also be used advantageously by continuous plastering machines
Application Data
- Mixing water: 28-32%
- Mixing ratio: 1 bag + 7.0-8.0 liters of water
- Minimum application temperature: + 8 ° C
- Maximum application temperature: + 35 ° C
- Workability time: 90 minutes
Product Data
- Appearance: powder
- Colour: Light hazel beige
- Density of the powder: ~ 1150 kg / m3 – EN 1015-10
- Maximum diameter of the aggregate: 1.0 mm
- Indicative consumption: 3.0-5.0 kg per m2
- Packaging: 25 kg bags on a pallet of 63 bags
- Conservation: 12 months in original intact packaging and with al shelter from humidity
Performance Technical Data
- Density of fresh mortar: ~ 1550 kg / m³ – EN 1015-6
- Density of the hardened mortar: ~ 1200 kg / m³ – EN 1015-10
- Adhesion: 0.40 N / mm² (FP) B – EN 1015-12
- Compressive strength: 1.0 N / mm² CS II – EN 1015-11
- Flexural strength: 0.4 N / mm² – EN 1015-11
- Water absorption by capillarity: Class A1EN 1015-18
- Coefficient of permeability to water vapour: µ 10EN 1015-19
- Thermal conductivity: 0.47 W / mK (average value from the prospectus; P = 50%) – EN 1745, A.12
- Specific heat capacity: 1.0 kJ / kgK – EN 1745, A.12
- Reaction to fire: Class A1 – EN 13501-1
- Durability: Assessment based on the provisions valid in the place of intended use of the mortar – EN 998-1
- Dangerous substances: See SDS – EN 998-1
Product for professional use. The data and prescriptions reported in this sheet, based on the best practical and laboratory experiences, are to be considered indicative in any case. Considering the different conditions of use and the intervention of factors independent of Senini (type of substrate, environmental conditions, directions of technical installation, etc.), whoever intends to use it is therefore required to establish whether the product is suitable for use or not. Our guaranteed obligation is therefore limited to the quality and constancy of the same in relation to the finished product, and exclusively for the above data. The Senini company reserves the right to make technical changes without prior notice. This technical data sheet cancels and replaces any previous edition.
Avoid application at temperatures below + 8 ° C, in the presence of heavy rain winds and under direct sunlight or above + 30 ° C. Temperatures below + 8 ° C with a high percentage of relative humidity can give rise to superficial carbonation phenomena. At high temperatures it is recommended to wet the substrate with water before applying the smoothing compound. Avoid application on frozen, dusty, unstable, and inconsistent substrates. Carry out smoothing thicknesses ranging from 2 to 8 mm per layer. Avoid direct application on substrates based on gypsum, fiber cement or mineral and organic foam panels. The chromatic aspect may vary according to the environmental conditions of application. The application of the colored product must be carried out on homogeneous substrates. Always use the same amount of water to prepare the mix in order to avoid possible color variations. On large surfaces, foresee possible interruptions near joints or downspouts, and for appropriate technical cuts. Avoid carrying out processing resumptions with time intervals on the same wall. Protect the applied product from frost, rain, and rapid drying for the first 24 hours after application. Stabilitura Naturale Traspirante is a product with a natural color and is therefore susceptible to chromatic variations due to the progress of the extraction of the marly limestone in the quarry from which natural hydraulic lime is obtained
Stabilitura Naturale Traspirante Plus can be applied to any traditional mineral substrate and surface: traditional lime-based plasters, premixed plasters based on natural hydraulic lime, cement-lime mortars, restoration plasters, traditional, stable, consistent and non-crumbling substrates. The substrates to be treated must be homogeneous, stable, clean, consistent, free from weak parts, dust, bacterial proliferation, saline efflorescence, oils, greases, waxes, residues from previous processing. If necessary, carry out a preventive cleaning of the substrate by pressure washing or sandblasting. The surfaces must be dry and free or adequately protected from capillary rising damp phenomena.