Green building and Natural building
Green building is an interdisciplinary approach that promotes the construction and insulation of buildings with the use of natural materials of local origin, to increase the comfort, wellness, and energy savings of the occupants.

Until recently, green building has been identified as a market niche for the unwary or wealthy, but thanks to the crisis and the need for regeneration, it imposed itself within the system, so much that today we are finally starting to talk about NATURAL BUILDING and post sustainability.
The building solutions with hemp allow to achieve high energy savings in two ways: use of natural materials with a low level of grey energy (the amount of energy necessary for extraction, transformation, use and disposal) and minimisation of the energy requirement to heat / cool the building, optimising its hygrothermal performance. Home wellbeing is a direct consequence of a healthy environment.
Breathable and hygroscopic materials make the house almost indifferent to climatic variations and preserve the inhabitants without hermetically isolating them: the house breathes, like a third skin.
Tecnocanapa Bioedilizia distributes products and solutions designed and manufactured to meet the growing needs of the construction market and to solve all the critical issues related to the poor management of water vapour and humidity, typical of conventional materials from mineral and synthetic origin.
High living comfort, tangible energy savings and costs aligned with traditional construction: this is Tecnocanapa.